گیت فروشگاهی و تاریخچه ساخت آن

گیت قروشگاهی و ضد سرقت

گیت فروشگاهی و تاریخچه ساخت آن

گیت قروشگاهی و ضد سرقت

به طور کلی می توان گفت گیت فروشگاهی ، گیتی است تشکیل از یک یا دو آنتن ساخته شده از آلومینیوم ، پلیمر،چوب ، شیشه و....... که در درب خروجی فروشگاه بر روی زمین نصب می شود که در صورت خروج تگ یا لیبل و ...... هشدار می دهد که به فروشنده و صاحب مغازه هشدار می دهد که اتفاقی افتاده است یا تگ جدا نشده ویا لیبل خنثی نشده یا سرقتی در حال وقوع می باشد .این را می توان توضیح کوتاهی در مورد گیت فروشگاهی یا دزدگیر فروشگاهی دانست
حدود 10 الی 15 سال پیش که فروشگاهای کوچک در حال حذف بودند و یا کم تاثیر شدن در اقتصاد ، فروشگاه های برند و زنجیره ای و یا هایپرمارکت ها بسیار سریع در حال رشد بودند که فروشگه های زنجیره ای یا هایپرمارکت ها دارای چرخش مالی بسیار بالا و عجیبی بودند ولی هم زمان با سود و فروش با چالش های بسیاری با خود داشتن یکی از مهم ترین آنها سرقت از آنها بود (که شامل پرسنل و مشتریان آنها بود) که در مدت کوتاهی باعث کاهش شدید سود آنها شد ولی کارشناسان ، مدیران و برنامه ریزان فروشگاه های بزرگ از قبیل پوشاک و مواد غذایی به فکر راه حل جلوگیری از سرقت و یا کاهش دادن سرقت ها بودن که می توان گفت یکی از اولین راه کارهای آنها دوربین مدار بسته بود دوربین کمی از سرقت های آنها کاهش داد ولی نتوانست مانعی بزرگ در برابر آن باشد .
در همین راستا تحقیقات باز هم ادامه یافت که به محصول کاربردی دیگری برسند آزمایشات و شکست های زیادی اتفاق افتاد تا نسل اول گیت های فروشگاهی ودزدگیر فروشگاهی به وجود امد و کاربردی شد که در اول هم بسیار مورد توجه قرار گرفت زیرا:
1-برای گیت فروشگاهی مهم نیست این شخص آشنا است یا غریبه .
2-جنس در وسایل خریداری شده ایشان در وسایل خریداری شده مشتری پنهان شده یا خیر گیت فروشگاهی آنرا به راحتی تشخیص می دهد .
3 – وقتی جنس از محدوده فروشگاه خارج شود گیت فروشگاهی آلارم می دهد ن زودتر در هنگام جابجایی و نه دیر تر هنگام اینکه کار از کار گذشته باشد .
4 – چک کردن کمتر و نظارت کمتر از طرف پرسنل می خواهد.
5 – گیت فروشگاهی یا دزدگیر پوشاک بسیار کم هزینه تر و کاربردی تر از دیگر محصولات حفاظتی می باشد.

.به زودی مطلبی درباره ی انواع گیت فروشگاهی در این ساتی منتشر می کنیم و همه ی انواع گیت فروشگاهی را توضیح خواهیم داد.

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در این مقاله قصد داریم کمی از اثرات مفید دزدگیر فروشگاهی بر روی صنف مانتو فروشی صحبت کنیم .

در دنیای رقابتی تجارت امروزه کم کردن هزینه یعنی سود بیشتر و توانایی خدمت بیشتر به مشتریان یکی از چیزهای که به صورت فوق العاده باعث بالا رفتن هزینه ها می شود سرقت می باشد سرقت به صورت فزاینده ای باعث افزایش هزینه ها می شود و هزینه ها باعث بلیده شدن سود می شود . شما برای رقابت و کاهش قیمت و بالا بردن کیفیت اجناس خود احتیاج به یک سود تضمین شده دارید تا بتوانید به فکر توسعه و پیشرفت باشید .

یکی ا ز اولین صنف های که در حدود 8 الی 10 سال قبل از دزدگیر لباس استقبال کرد صنف مانتو فروشی و از جمله محل های بورس این صنف در تهران بود مانند هفت تیر  و چهار راه ولیعصر و …. شما وقتی برای خرید و یا گردش به این مکان ها مخصوصا میدان هفت تیر تهران تشریف ببرید تقریبا همه مانتو فروشی ها مجهز گیت ضد سرقت فروشگاهی هستند و صاحبان این مغازه ها زیر همیشه  به تنظیم آنها و به روز رسانی آنها اهمیت خاصی می دهند .

حال به این موضوع کمی میپردازیم که چرا نصب و استفاده از گیت فروشگاهی انقدر در این مراکز همه گیر شده است .

بیشتر صاحبان این مغازه ها ساکن هفت تیر تولیدی های خاص خود را دارند و به همین دلیل مشغله کاری نسبتا زیادی دارد و مدت زمان زیادی در مغازه ساکن نیستند برای همین ساز و کار زیادی برای کنترل کسب و کار دارند.

معمولا مغازه های موجود در هفت تیر بسیار بزرگ هستند و تعداد زیادی اتاق پرو دارد

در این مغازه ها معمولا تعداد زیادی فروشنده کار می کنند که این افراد  بیشتر به فکر فروش خود هستند تا کنترل مشتریان .

خانم های که داخل اتاق پرو هستند معمولا چندتایی مانتو با خود دارند برای پوشیدن و تست که به خاطر سپردن آنها سخت است مخصوصا که دارای چندین اتاق پرو باشند .

معمولا خانم ها به صورت چند تایی به خرید می آید برای همین کنترل آنها سخت می باشد .

پوشش خانم های ایرانی به علت فرهنگی داریم به طوری است که کنترل آنها سخت می باشد

بسیار دیده شده بود که مانتو جدید را زیر مانتو قبلی پوشیده و به راحتی از فروشگاه خارج می شود در آخر شب یا فرصتی دیگر که آمار موجودی را می گیرند متوجه کسری می شود

یکی ازمهمترین دلایل این بود که آمار سرقت را بسیار پایین آورد و باعث شد بقیه مغازه ها هم از اولین مغازه ها پیروی کردند و شروع به نصب و راه اندازی گیت ضد سرقت کردند .

ولی باید همیشه به خاطرداشته باشم که همه لباسها داخل مغازه دارای تگ ضد سرقت لباس باشند و تگ ها به طور درست و اصولی بر روی آنها نصب بشوند .

حال اگر کسی مانتو را از زیر مانتو اصلی خود بپوشد و یا در خریدهای قبلی خود پنهان کند و بخواهد بیرون برود وقتی از میان دو گیت قصد عبور را داشته باشد گیت فروشگاهی تگ ضد سرقت را شناسایی کرده و آلارم می زند و مانع خروج لباس می شود یعنی مانع سرقت می شود  دقیقا  عین انجام جرم و یا اشتباه و همه این مزایا باعث شده گیت ضد سرقت فروشگاهی هرروز فراگیر تر و همه گیر تر شود .

  • مهدی عزیزخانی
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خیلی اوقات پیش امده است که بخواهیم به مسافرت یا مکانی برویم به مدت چند هفته یا چند ماه و امنیت خانه مارا به ترس بیاندازد و دچار تردید شویم. یکی از بهترین روشها برای ایجاد امنیت منازل استفاده از قفل های دیجیتالی میباشد که به بهترین نحو ممکن میتواند امنیت منازل شما را تامین کند . شاید انتظار داشته باشید که دوربین های امنیتی نیاز شما را برطرف کند اما اینطور نیست و اکثر دوربین های مداربسته فاقد علائم هشدار دهنده هستند و شما زمانی متوجه سرقت از منزلتون میشوید که دیگر کار از کار گذشته است.

اما در حال حاظر قفل های دیجیتال با قیمت مناسبتر و کاربرد بهتر در دسترس هستند که هر فردی میتواند خانه ی خود را به این سیستم امنیتی مجهز کند و امنیت کافی را برای خود به ارمغان بیاورد. این قفل ها به صورت دیجیتالی باز و بسته میشوند و حتما برای شما پیش امده است که با خارج شدن از منزل فراموش کرده باشید که درب را قفل کنید ، این قفل ها به شما این امکان را میدهد که با تنظیم انها ، درصورت بسته شدن درب با استفاده از سنسور های حساس ،درب به صورت دیجیتالی قفل میشود و دیگر نگران نیستید از قفل کردن درب منزل .

قابلیت دیگری که میتوان از ان نام برد حساسیت به دما در این قفل ها میباشد ، خیلی اوقات پیش امده است که با اتش گرفتن منزل ، افراد ان خانه مخصوصا فرزندان بدلیل قفل شدن درب خروجی گیر کنند و اتفاقات ناگواری را به همراه داشته باشد ، این قفل ها با توجه به حساسیتی که به دمای محیط دارند، در صورتی که دمای خانه بیش از اندازه بالا برود قفل ها به صورت هوشمند باز میشوند و به ساکنان ان منزل امکان خروج راحت را فراهم میسازد.

انواع قفل دیجیتال

این نوع قفل ها انواع مختلفی دارند که میشود به بازشدن بارمز ورود اشاره کرد ؛ که معمولا صفحه های کلید در این اینگونه قفل ها صورت پنهان میباشند. که در اکثر مدل ها به عنوان قفل جایگزین وجود دارد.

حسگر اثرانگشت

این مدل با تشخیص و اسکن اثر انگشت ویا قرنیه چشم باز میشود و باز کردن انها با روش های معمول غیر ممکن است و غیرقابل سرقت میباشند

قفل های کارتی

این مدل که بیشتر در اقامتگاه ها و هتل ها کاربرد دارد یکی از بهترین روش های باز و بسته کردن قفل میباشد .در این روش با استفاده از کارت های هوشمند قفل باز و بسته میشود و میتواند جایگزین خوبی برای کلیدهای فلزی باشد.

امروزه قفل های دیجیتال انواع مختلفی دارند که روز به روز در حال بروزرسانی هستند و کاربرد های بیشتری پیدا میکنند


شما میتوانید در سایت BNBGATE انواع قفل های دیجیتالی را مشاهده کنید و برای خرید ، خدمات و مشاوره رایگان با کارشناسان مجرب ما تماس بگیرید.


  • مهدی عزیزخانی
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Isfahan is the third largest city in Iran after Mashhad and Tehran. The beautiful texture of the city, the historic minarets and beautiful arts from the Safavie era. A large number of historic monuments have been registered at UNESCO. Interestingly, Isfahan and Rasht have been registered as UNESCO as the two creative cities in the network of creative cities of the world. In order to raise awareness, we are pleased to announce that, in accordance with UNESCO standards, it is a creative city that takes citizens’ abilities and innovation into urban development. In addition beautiful monuments and exceptinal monuments, the good encounter of citizens with travelers and guests of the city has been a factor in attracting and expanding tourism in the city. From the beautiful buildings of Isfahan, you can mention the Square of Persia Jahan, thirty-three bridge, pole Khaju, Hagaphapu, Chehel Soton Palace.

The extraordinary architecture of this building attracted everyone’s attention by moving a minaret, the other minaret is moving and moving, so the name of the manor is taken.


This bridge was built on Zayandeh Rood to the architecture of Hussein Bana Isfahani. 33 is open. 295 meters long and 14 meters wide. Europeans, like Percy Sykes and Dan Garcia, considered it the world’s first-class bridges.

Note that except for the tourist industry, there are other large factories and industries in Isfahan, for example, the largest workshops and gold factories in Isfahan.

I do not mention the beautiful handicraft of Isfahan, which is like a symbol for this city. Weaving, carpet weaving, woodcarving, metalworking, etc., are only handicrafts from Isfahan. I would definitely recommend that if you have traveled to this city, make a memorable one for yourself, because it is also beautiful as a hand-crafted work of art. .



The climate of Isfahan

The geographical location of Isfahan has attracted more tourists. Why??? Because this city is located adjacent to the largest river of the central plateau – Zayandeh Rood. On the other hand, the Nogene forest is located on the shore of Zayandeh Rood, so that you can get better weather and weather, weather in summer, a maximum of 39 ° C in the summer and a negative winter of 18 ° C in the winter.



Official language in Isfahan

From where you may be confused about not having trouble getting to the point of talking and getting to the concept in Isfahan, we will promise you that the people of Isfahan speak the same Persian language with the accent of Esfahani. There really is not anyone who does not want to hear the Esfahani dialect Dear do not enjoy Of course, from the same platform, we would like to inform dear Isfahani that the first one to learn English as ordinary everyday sentences to make the tourists more comfortable and make themselves more attractive. Meanwhile, this will attract more tourists and attract more tourists. More currency will enter the city and economic prosperity will increase in the city.

If the tourists wanted to worship, there are many churches in this city, especially in the Jolfa area.

An example of Isfahan’s local uniform

Food and food

Iran is one of the countries that everybody who has visited this country has enjoyed the food. Its great variety of dishes has been interesting for everyone. The local dishes of Isfahan, which I like very much to you, are like eggplant, butterflies, kerosene and bryan. Isfahan Gaz is considered as one of the most famous souvenirs of Isfahan. The most delicious gaz called Saedi Nia. But I want to tell you that I’m unlikely to tell you somewhere, the tasty barbecue you can eat, you are the Golpayegan roast in the Golpayegan region, and the best honey is Khansar honey. Because these areas are in the pastures, their unique climate enhances plant growth and healthy livestock breeding, so you can find dairy products and fine meat.

unnamed 240x300 - Exceptional Tour of Isfahan from Rental car Iran

How to get to Esfahan

There are several ways:

1 – The plane is relatively expensive.

2-Tourist tours, you can search for a good tour in a good condition with a little search. If you are looking for a good tour, you will be able to choose the best from our company Rentalcariran.com .

3-car rental If you decide to travel only, we suggest you rent a car for two reasons: 1. Be independent. 2. Do not take a taxi at any stop or visit. 3. The cost of taxis is not constant. It is often cheaper to rent a car.

We hope that our content is attractive and useful. If you are traveling to Isfahan, please send us your photos and send us your memories. What experiences did you have? If you come back to Iran, where are you going?

Again, as if there were ambiguities in the text, let us know so that we could write it with more energy. :)))

Yours faithfully


  • مهدی عزیزخانی
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Kish; where you have to go

Kish; where you have to go
If you are traveling in the winter or you want to forget the summer heat and summer humidity, the persian Gulf is one of the best places to visit in Iran.
Hormoz is my favorite island. Hormoz is big enough to spend two good days. Its unique nature and outlook will certainly not be found elsewhere in the world. Imagine an island with attractive natural wonders, colorful soil…
Kish is one of the most beautiful islands in the Persian Gulf and branches from Bandar Lengeh. The island has a lot of historical, natural and recreational attractions, with priority list of travel destinations, especially domestic tourists.
Our beloved country, Iran, is a country of four seasones and southern Iran is one of the best travel options in the winter.
Meanwhile, Kish Island, with moderate weather this season, and many tourist attractions, is one of the options for travelers.
In the west of the Kish Island there is a cape called the kolbeye Hur. The bed of this cavern was rocky
And the aquatic habitat is like Hamur, Sarkhoo, Gangsar, clams and turtles.
In the days when the winds are low, people come to the cape for fishing. Divers also come to the hut for diving.
On the southern shore of the cape of the hole, there is a cave of 5 meters long, but its depth rises from north to south and continues to 8 meters, and it is very spectacular when full fashion.
The wild nature of this cape draws tourists to their side and the presence of holes in it causes a water eruption when the waves hit.
If you intend to buy from Kish shopping centers, pay attention to the auction season on Kish Island. Goods and goods in Kish are generally cheaper than other cities. So you can make a good deal every season from the year you travel to Kish. Like the city of Tehran, on the island of Kish, the last part of each season will be reduced to a variety of goods. When less tourist is in Kish, various goods are also discounted. Like: clothes or even kitchen appliances.
Also after the New Year’s Eve, in May, the goods were discounted. And from early October to mid-December, which is actually the reopening season for schools and universities, discounted goods too. Travelers can also get discounted rates by participating in the Kish tour and attending Kish summer festivals. These festivals start from early July and continue until September. But the air temperature at this time in Kish is 40 degrees. There is also a winter auction in Kish until the night of Eid

Rent a car for a comfortable patrol in Kish
For the convenience of yourself and your family, we would suggest that you rent a car from a reputable company that personally advises you on the rentalcariran.com experience. The terms and conditions for the company are as follows:
Having a valid ID card and a certificate is required.
Issuing a bank check item at the company’s Rental Company or cash in respect of possible damages to the vehicle as deposit. Check or guarantee is returned to the tenant upon delivery of the car to the company.
The price is 24 hours after delivery.
The cost of gasoline is the responsibility of the renter and if you have a fuel card you can use it on the island. You can get fuel from two gas stations located in the Goldis and Faroure area.
The amount of 300 $ for the probable traffic offenses will remain with the car leaver for at least three days and up to ten days, and will be refunded to you upon identification of the car’s offense.
Rental of Iran
– The seat belt is required.
– Hiking is prohibited on all pedestrians.
– Noise pollution is prohibited in Kish Island in any way.
– Disposal of garbage from inside the vehicle on Kish Island is prohibited.
– Penalties in Kish Island are twice as high as the mainland.
– The maximum speed on Kish Island in the main roads with the boards installed in the tourist guide is 50 km.
– In Kish streets, speed cameras are installed, and inspectors and carriers monitor the speed of vehicles.
You can see some of the prices of all kinds of cars in 1398 below, which you can choose the best option according to your budget.



Find your dream house or hostle in the cool!

Hostel is a cheap hotel! Passenger hut, which can be called a guesthouse, is a cheap accommodation. Usually, each passenger has a flat in a shared room with a number of other guests. Usually the facilities (bathroom and toilet) and the kitchen are outside the rooms and are shared.
The hostel is a low-cost sleeping area for renting single-room beds, and in fact a room between several people is shared. In the rooms there are usually between 2 and 8 beds.
If you are planning to travel and want to stay in the hostel, you should know that the hostels have nothing to offer from hotels in terms of facilities, and the only thing that lowers the cost of staying at the hostel is the simultaneous use of several passengers from a room.
Unlike hotels, the hostels have kitchen facilities and all kinds of cooking appliances such as stove, oven, microwave, bread toaster, pot, pan, plates, spoons, forks and glasses, etc., for cooking and There is eating. In general, the use of toilets and bathrooms and kitchens is common in the halls, in addition to being completely clean.
Well then, after exhaustion, it’s fun and fun and a delightful purchase of time


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Detailed car rental details

In this article, we are going to thoroughly and accurately review the important rental information for your loved ones so that it is appreciated to be with us until the end.

The following are some of the detailed rental conditions for citizens that are try to fined right conditions for renting a car.

First. Presentation and Delivery of ID Card So Be Sure You Have A Valid Identification Card With You To don’t have problem for reservation.

Second. Providing a real estate document (or lease as the case may be) with the name of the person who is renting the car

Third. Offer a bank check or promissory note a t20% more than the day’s car price. Yes, this is one of the important rules for a lender company that must comply with the price of the car.

Fourth. Cash Deposits (Deposits vary by vehicle type). (On a case-by-case basis, the type of vehicle selected and… a civil document, a business sponsor in Tehran or a government official check are also acceptable)

Fifth. Car rental amount based on number of days desired

Note – If you are a government employee or military employee, be sure to:

Presentation and delivery of ID card

Providing and delivering a standard certificate of employment from work.

Offering and delivering employee checks at a rate of 5% more than the car price per day

Note for foreign tourists and tourists:

The first is having a passport or a visa, which they must hand over to the rental company when hiring or renting a car.

The second item is the return ticket and detailed information of the time travelers and tourists have.

Now let’s discuss the car rental conditions with the driver, which is detailed and in information below.

First of all, a valid ID card should be provided, along with a valid ID.

The second is the rent payment based on the length of time you want to rent the car

How to book a car without a driver and with a driver and find out more about how to rent a car

First of all, choose your rental car.

Second, specify the number of days you need to rent a car.

Specify the third: item on the quantity of days and day you want to get the car rented.

Specify the fourth: type of rental car delivery (car rental in your city and location, airport, or company office location).

The fifth is to specify whether you are renting a car with driver or driving a car.

Sixth Driverless Car Rental It should be borne in mind that car rental companies usually get their car in the same condition that they delivered it, as well as car cleaning because if Do not give the company a thorough cleaning the car will cost you about 25 to 40 USD for cleaning.

The seventh item for your well-being Dear customers, you have additional accessories to offer to your dear customers upon request, including: GPS, child seat, wheelchair, travel tent Other Box Accessories, Travel Boxes that can be contacted to find out what is needed and available at the company or in the car rental price list and when you need to rent a car


Eighth before you get a car from a car rental company, look at the car well in appearance and technically and be sure to get a sheet from the company and note the odometer for when the car was delivered and when Report any technical failure and accident at the same time.


Contact Rental Car Iran to Rent a Car

Provide the above information to the respondent, or by consulting the staff of Rental Car Iran Company by announcing your desired budget, date and number of days you wish.

Thereafter, in the event of your consent and satisfaction, you must send copy of your passport and ticket to reserve your car.


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The client denies any right to interfere in the internal affairs of the contracting company, such as the introduction of employees, the way of management and ………

rental car

If the Contracting Party reports that the Contracting Party has little or no qualitative or quantitative failure to perform its obligations:

In the first step, the 2% penalty is deducted from the monthly commitment figure. In the second stage, the 3% penalty is deducted from the monthly commitment figure. In the third stage, 4% of the fine will be deducted from the monthly commitment figure.

In the event of loss or non-performance by the Contractor, the entity may recover a percentage of the amount of the Contract from the Client’s Securities, Warranties and Deposits.


Rent and contract with car rental companies for drivers

For Rent a Car and Rental Car Iran has some rules and regulations for drivers that we discuss together

  1. Have a minimum age of 23 years
  2. Having a valid driving license for the respective vehicle (Grades 2 and B 2)
  3. Provide a certificate of non-addiction
  4. Providing a certificate of non-effective criminal record as well as non-conviction or driving restriction
  5. Marriage (excluding women that are households)
  6. Training course (Note: Training is compulsory for drivers who have never seen the course).
  7. Accept all the obligations set by the organization in accordance with the instructions
  8. It will not be possible to provide services with all the cars of the model year 2017 and earlier.

Note: Registration does not mean driver’s approval and the driver must pursue his / her approval from a licensed carrier.

The registration will not be final until the driver of the covered company declares.

Payment of registration fee and issuance of activity license.

Once approved by the shipping company and approved by the organization, the driver will be issued with a certificate of qualification and the label will be announced by SMS.

Documents required to obtain a driver’s license

Authentication of the national card and the identity of the car owner and driver

The principle of driving license

Certificate of No Addiction

Certificate of Origin

The principle of car insurance

Principle of vehicle technical examination

Driver photo

Car card principle


There are a number of conditions for car renting with a driver for companies


  1. The driver must perform his / her duties seriously in servicing the customers.

2.The driver is obliged to be ready to provide service at all times of the year, according to the requirements of the companies in accordance with the previous agreement.

  1. Keeping the vehicle ready for maintenance in a timely manner, as well as being equipped with equipment, according to the cold and heat season.
  2. During the school year for various reasons it is possible to change the arrival and departure times of the service so the driver is obliged to cooperate with the companies and the contractor.
  3. Given that most of the employees’ dissatisfaction with the driver is due to ethical and misconduct, Rental car Iran has established its core policy of creating an appropriate culture and promoting the treatment of drivers with employees that drivers are also required to do these policy.

6- The driver is responsible for the service.

7.The driver is obliged to take the staff at the appointed time, not earlier, not later.

8.The first day of service, the station and the morning commute are coordinated with the staff and the driver is responsible for observing the time and location of the station.

9.Drivers on a daily basis 30 working days – 26 working days – 22 working days in different companies, who are obliged to provide service on the agreed working days and if absent on any days even on holidays (as agreed). ) The driver is fined and exchanged.

  1. In case of increasing the number of crossings from the agreed number during the month, a separate overtime shall be paid.
  2. The number of services exceeds the number of agreements in a month, the difference being calculated and paid.

12- If the employee is late in the morning the driver is allowed to stop for 5 minutes, call the employee’s home if possible, then move on.

  1. If the employee is absent at noon, be sure to contact the service officer to follow up.

14.The driver is under any circumstances responsible for the morning service and shall not be charged for the morning service if he or she is absent from the morning service, and is penalized 4 times the amount received by the driver.

15-If the driver is unable to provide a noon service, the driver shall be obliged to notify the service officer at least 5 hours earlier than the hour of service to be replaced if the service agrees, and if absent at noon, the driver shall be penalized 5 times.

16- Driver’s part time leave is only allowed 4 times and just at noon.

  1. In case of delayed driver, the employee will rent another car after 5 minutes and all costs will be borne by the driver.
  2. If the driver is suspended for at least one week, he or she must continue service or announce seven days in advance, otherwise he or she shall be subject to the Criminal Code for up to 3 days.
  3. Corporate contract is usually 6 months, Driver is obliged to service the end of months and after that the company increases costs in the new year.
  4. The driver’s monthly salary and function shall be settled after the end of the month until the seventh of the following month.
  5. Driver’s Assistance Drivers with a Management Vision and Service Officer Depending on the Driver’s Performance – Functionality – Required Amount of Drivers Received per Driver’s Year No driver’s right to object if not paid.
  6. The number imprests per driver per year depends on management vision and is up to 6 times.
  7. If required, notify your supervisor in writing at least 7 hours in advance, if appropriate they will pay your imprest.
  8. Talking to the employee in any case while performing the service is prohibited.
  9. Communicate with the employee as necessary.
  10. Suitable wearing for women is essential for a gentleman’s shirt is good wearing.
  11. Coordinate with the service provider if the employee does not use the service or absence
  12. It is forbidden to receive any money from employees.

29- It is forbidden to ride non-accompanying persons during the service.

  1. The driver is required to be present at the company 5 minutes before the company close and employee come.
  2. Car washing is prohibited in the company

32- It is forbidden to refuel and carry out personal work.

  1. Make sure you have the names of the staff at home so that you can coordinate in case of trouble.
  2. It is forbidden to use a tape recorder during service and turn on the radio in coordination with the staff.
  3. In-car smoking is prohibited at least 2 hours before and during service.
  4. Don’t talk to employees about financial matters.
  5. Drive with caution and patience and follow traffic laws to be a good role model for employees.
  6. Drive home early on snowy and rainy days to avoid delays.
  7. Try to keep the environment of the service environment calm and avoid stress and stress to employees.

40- The driver has no right to deal with the employee in case of a quick problem with the service coordinator.

41- The driver is obliged to receive the tag of taxi driver to provide service, otherwise the consequences are the responsibility of the driver.

  1. Having complete proofs of the vehicle and submitting copies to the service provider is mandatory.
  2. Taxes etc. shall be borne by the Contractor.

44. The cost of the label is borne by the contractor.


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With the various Porsche and Tesla products it seemed that there was no need for electric cars. The Tesla and Porsche Taikan models are very fast cars at speeds of up to 100 km / h. But since the electric car had never been produced in a high-end chassis class, Bollinger, a startup company in Michigan, has for the first time produced an all-electric off-road pickup. In Bollinger’s view, electric cars are not limited to sporty and fast products, and the company aims to change people’s beliefs about electric cars by producing two Aphrodite electric products. This pickup will be available in B1 and B2 variants.




Bollinger Aphrodite

It was about two years ago that Bollinger unveiled the prototype B1 prototype and a year later introduced the B2 electric pickup. Given the appearance of the two electric prototypes and their boxy design, it is conceivable that the two cars will exhibit amazing performance in the rolling derailleur. The Bollinger electric pickup and long chassis are designed to be used in the real world. The chassis and body of the car are made of aluminum, making the manufacturing process simpler and less costly, and the body panels can easily fit on the chassis.

Earlier models of the cars have been introduced in the last two years and now pre-production or beta versions are being prepared. Bollinger has made some changes to his feeds in beta to be better than before.

Launched in 2017, the B1 had a 360-horsepower engine with 369 Nm of torque. But in the pre-production version, two engines are used, delivering a total power of 614 hp and torque of 919 Nm, capable of delivering a high-speed Bollinger chassis at a speed of 100 km / h in 4.5 seconds. The top speed of the new B1 has been reduced from 200 km / h to 160 km / h. Its towing capacity is 3400kg.




Bollinger Aphrodite

Aphrodite’s abilities are common to the two Bollinger cars and both are equipped with a two-speed transmission. When the B1 was unveiled in 2017, the Bollinger had a 60- to 100-kWh battery capable of delivering a range of 200 to 320 kilometers. But the B2 has a 120 kWh battery that provides more radiuses. At the moment, however, Bollinger has not announced the range and pricing of these electric cars and details will be announced in the coming months.

Bollinger Aphrodite

Thirty thousand people have so far expressed interest in buying the cars, according to Bollinger’s owner. Production of Bollinger products will begin in 2021.




Rentalcariran will announce newdetail about modern and hightech cars, we try to do the best maybe you rent these cars in rentalcariran, by the way we will start our new branch in kish island then you can find new cars there, hope to see you in island.


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Cheap Hyundai Santafe Car Rental

History of Hyundai Santafe

Santafe is one of the products of the Korean Hyundai Motors. Earlier in the year, Hyundai’s Korean ideas for open competition with Ford Escape, Mazda Tribute and Pontiac Aztek came to fruition and the new model, named Santafe, a city in New Mexico, quickly became the most popular family car in North America.

Santafe was produced in two generations. The first generation was deployed on the SM platform from 5 to 5 on the SM platform. Originally produced in Ulsan, South Korea, the car was originally produced with the 1.6, 1.6, and 2 liter models, although the latter never went to the United States.

Another generation of Hyundai Santafe was able to experience a very high level of sales at the beginning of our market, with Hyundai Santafe having an import record in a few years. The up-to-date Santafe features it in the bestseller list and is undoubtedly one of the most successful imported cars in sales. The Hyundai Santafe is an urban high-end chassis. Like the other Hyundai products, this generation uses the fluid design style known as the front, the first thing to notice is the famous Santafe front-facing window that we’ve seen before in other products of the company, and somehow It’s the signature of Hyundai designers.


اجاره سانتافه


Learn more about the 2016 Hyundai Santafe

The Hyundai Santafe is one of the most successful and modern SUVs in our country and is one of the best choices in the high-end chassis. It is one of the few cars that  heve been sold great in both the zero-km model and the functioning market model. In the 2016 Santa Fe model, its headlights have been replaced and it has helped a great deal. The design of the Hyundai Santafe is closer to European cars. The sporty and all-embracing Hyundai Santafe bodywork has a huge impact on its upscale sales. Hyundai’s interior design for Santafe is very labor-intensive and as customer-friendly as it looks. The dashboard design, which consists of non-geometric shapes, sharp angles, and highlights, captivates every viewer.


Inside the Santafe Hyundai, we see a spacious space and, furthermore, due to the well-insulated cabin inside the room, it is perfectly comfortable. There is a variety of acceptable equipment available in the Hyundai Santafe, which is further enhanced in the 2019 model year, some of which are the first to be installed on a vehicle in this class. The cabin design is easy to access with equipment and keys and benefits from ergonomics. The materials used in the Hyundai Santafe cab are high quality materials, and overall the interior and exterior design of the Hyundai Santafe are all highly rated and acceptable.




Hyundai Santafe 2019 Specifications

The heart of the Hyundai is the Santafe Cylinder and has a volume of 2359 cc. For the 2019 Hyundai Santafe, the GDI series is used. The engine is capable of producing 6300 rpm, 190 hp and 4250 rpm at 245 Nm. This drivetrain on Santa Fe is not very responsive because of the low acceleration and agility that is felt with very low traction uphill. Hyundai Santafe burns 11.2 liters of gasoline in the combined cycle, which is relatively high and has no economic justification. The Hyundai Santa Fe is powered by a six-speed automatic gearbox, which is acceptable, but it could be better. Overall the engine and gearbox coordination is good and satisfying in this respect.

In the discussion of the Hyundai Santafe suspension system is soft and performs well. The Hyundai Santafe ride is enjoyable and has relatively good steering. Santafe is safe and stable in its twists and turns and has good handling, but has nothing to say about its Japanese rivals. The Hyundai Santafe, of course, is heavily reduced when handling a heavy weight, but in the normal state, the Santafe almost keeps the car driver happy.


The Hyundai Santafe is a quality Korean with an attractive exterior and interior design, and its sales market is very good in both zero-km models and both. Contact us to find out more about renting this car at a cheap price and in very good condition with the numbers on our contact page. In the meantime, if you would like to watch a fascinating video of the 2016 Hyundai Santa Fe comprehensive review, check out the video below prepared by the Crazy cars site.


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Certainly when you spend many hours planning and preparing a special event, you are looking for an opportunity for all the details to be extremely perfect. As important as the guest list, reception and decoration, or even more importantly, is the bride’s car, and the right choice to rent a luxurious and special bridal car can make everything more attractive and spectacular More to be seen. At Rental Car Iran we are proud to present exceptional luxury cars to complement your beautiful celebrations and create a lasting memory.

اجاره ماشین عروس

If you are planning a special and romantic event, you need a company service that you can trust with confidence. At Rental Car Iran, providing the highest levels of customer service, we provide you with a seamless car rental experience from start to finish. A wide range of foreign and Iranian luxury cars are available to you to suit your taste and circumstances.

Our car rental specialists are available 24 hours a day so you can contact us if you need any questions or assistance during the rental process regarding how to select and obtain a car. With the premium services provided by this company, you bring moments to your event that will be remembered forever.

Rent a car for a dream honeymoon

اجاره ماشین عروس

Honeymoon is one of the most important and best traditions of an ideal wedding. Since honeymoon is the couple’s first joint trip after the wedding and the bride and groom want to relieve the exhaustion of the wedding, the choice of travel conditions is very important as the honeymoon is after the wedding and probably You have a lot to spend on your event, the cost of your honeymoon is likely to be heavy, so try to consider your budget and your location for your honeymoon. The essence of honeymoon is that you go on a journey to relieve the exhaustion of a heavy wedding, you do not need to borrow and borrow an expensive foreign trip. If you want to go on a domestic trip you can use the car as a vehicle and if you do not have a luxury car to travel you can rent a car for the honeymoon. Renta Car Iran is ready to serve you with the latest and most updated cars.

Description and terms of bridal car rental at Rental Car Iran

اجاره ماشین عروس

The price for the bride car rental is 15 hours per day and for every hour the surplus is rented at 10% before 9am and after 12pm, from 10 to 15 $ per hour.

If you leave Tehran, such as: Ahmad Abad, Garmdareh, Shahriar, etc … According to the approved rate, 8 to 20 $ will be exited from Tehran.

The cost of gas is borne by the car renter.

If you are renting a car with the driver, you do not need to provide a warranty check and the driver of the company is fully responsible for the car.

If you rent a car without a driver, you will prepare deposit for the value of the vehicle for the warranty.


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Iran is a country of four seasons and it allows you to travel with great pleasure all round of country in year. Nearly most people choose spring and summer as the best travel seasons, and all of their plan for traveling is for the two seasons. But in the four seasons of the country, there are many beautiful places and places that are among the best destinations for winter trips, and perhaps less attractive to the tourist in the other seasons. There are many places in Iran that are spectacular in winter. You can walk on foot in the winter on the warm sand of the Persian Gulf that Overwhelmed by the heat in cold of winter in southern Iran, although you can walk to areas that are covered in snow and play in the snow in other areas in Iran.

To choose the right destination for your winter trip, you must first consider a few important points. First, is the weather cold for you or not ?! If you answered yes, cities in the south of the country would be the best choice.

The next thing that is very noticeable to people is how to travel by vehicle. To make travel easier and more economical, you can experience memorable trips wherever you are in Iran without renting a driverless car from Rental car Iran. Fortunately, Iran has its tourist attractions at all times of the year, and some of them are among the most attractive destinations as the best destinations for winter trips and escape from the cold weather.

Where can we travel in Iran in winter?

So if you like traveling south in the fall and winter seasons, we can assure you that one of the best destinations for travel is Qeshm Island. The island that you can enjoy with  a temperate climate in the cold seasons, opening its warm embrace to travelers who want to stay away from the cold for a few days and can be a cozy corner to relax.

In addition to enjoying the seaside and seaside recreation of Qeshm, you can visit many of the tourist attractions such as Nice, Zaman Island, Coral Islands, Hormuz Island, Larak Island, Salt Cave, Star Valley, Harbors Cave, Mangrove Forest, Strait Visit Chahkouh and Port Laft.

Naz Islands

Naz islands


The most important sights in Qeshm are the islands in this area. These beautiful islands include the Nice Islands, which have rocky walls and a surface of about 3 hectares. The amazing feature of this island is that you can walk on the water and walk one kilometer at sea when watching the tide and watch the beautiful islands without getting wet. From the rocky islands of the islands you can also see different views of the Persian Gulf, the Strait of Hormuz, Larak Island and the beach of Qeshm. Of course, you have to pay attention to the tidal hours of the water.

Hengam Island

Hengam island

The island is located in the Persian Gulf at a distance of 2 kilometers and is actually in the southern part of Qeshm Island. There are many lead and salt mines on this beautiful island. If you want to enjoy the beautiful, colorful beaches and dolphins in winter, be sure to visit the island when it is time.


Coral Islands

Qeshm coral is one of the most beautiful and spectacular coral reefs in the world located in the waters of Qeshm Island in the Persian Gulf. Types of micro-marine and aquatic species such as colorful fish can be found in different species. Tourists traveling to Qeshm Island and north of Lark Island know that Qeshm islands are close to these shores and have a very high capacity in this area.


Hormoz island

The small island of Hormuz has a very special lake and special beach. On the island’s shores, the waves are red and you will be amazed to see the scenery. The island of Hormuz is rich in minerals of different colors, especially red, so the color of the water waves on the island is red. Among the various Qeshmian options, Hormuz’s advantage is be virgin. Hormuz Island is famous for its red soil. The soil that creates the perfect blend with sea water can be one of the souvenirs of your trip. On the island of Hormuz, sightseeing such as the Sculpture Valley, the Mekneba Becker Island, the Rainbow Valley and the Strait of Hormuz should not be missed.

Salt cave

Namakdan cave
Qeshm Salt Lake Cave is a natural and very eye-catching phenomenon located 2 kilometers from Qeshm Island and is the longest salt cave in the world. This pristine natural attraction lies within a dome-shaped mountain on whose walls white salt streaks can be clearly seen. The candlesticks created by the island’s high humidity and water intrusion into the cave have created an eye-catching scene.


Lark Island

Lark Island is an unknown island with exceptional attractions alongside the islands of Qeshm, Hormuz and Bandar Abbas in the Strait of Hormuz, which can be a special destination for travelers. Lark and Hormuz have a waterway between them, which is used every day for cargo ships and large oil tankers. There is a strong castle on the island of Lark that, according to ancestors, it is not known exactly whether Nader Shah ordered it or belonged to the Portuguese and the Safavid era. There are now two hundred households with fishermen living in the fort, which can be seen as a reason to travel to this magnificent island.


Mangrove forest

The name of Qeshm is associated with mangrove forests, forests that are beautiful
hara forest


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