گیت فروشگاهی و تاریخچه ساخت آن

گیت قروشگاهی و ضد سرقت

گیت فروشگاهی و تاریخچه ساخت آن

گیت قروشگاهی و ضد سرقت

به طور کلی می توان گفت گیت فروشگاهی ، گیتی است تشکیل از یک یا دو آنتن ساخته شده از آلومینیوم ، پلیمر،چوب ، شیشه و....... که در درب خروجی فروشگاه بر روی زمین نصب می شود که در صورت خروج تگ یا لیبل و ...... هشدار می دهد که به فروشنده و صاحب مغازه هشدار می دهد که اتفاقی افتاده است یا تگ جدا نشده ویا لیبل خنثی نشده یا سرقتی در حال وقوع می باشد .این را می توان توضیح کوتاهی در مورد گیت فروشگاهی یا دزدگیر فروشگاهی دانست
حدود 10 الی 15 سال پیش که فروشگاهای کوچک در حال حذف بودند و یا کم تاثیر شدن در اقتصاد ، فروشگاه های برند و زنجیره ای و یا هایپرمارکت ها بسیار سریع در حال رشد بودند که فروشگه های زنجیره ای یا هایپرمارکت ها دارای چرخش مالی بسیار بالا و عجیبی بودند ولی هم زمان با سود و فروش با چالش های بسیاری با خود داشتن یکی از مهم ترین آنها سرقت از آنها بود (که شامل پرسنل و مشتریان آنها بود) که در مدت کوتاهی باعث کاهش شدید سود آنها شد ولی کارشناسان ، مدیران و برنامه ریزان فروشگاه های بزرگ از قبیل پوشاک و مواد غذایی به فکر راه حل جلوگیری از سرقت و یا کاهش دادن سرقت ها بودن که می توان گفت یکی از اولین راه کارهای آنها دوربین مدار بسته بود دوربین کمی از سرقت های آنها کاهش داد ولی نتوانست مانعی بزرگ در برابر آن باشد .
در همین راستا تحقیقات باز هم ادامه یافت که به محصول کاربردی دیگری برسند آزمایشات و شکست های زیادی اتفاق افتاد تا نسل اول گیت های فروشگاهی ودزدگیر فروشگاهی به وجود امد و کاربردی شد که در اول هم بسیار مورد توجه قرار گرفت زیرا:
1-برای گیت فروشگاهی مهم نیست این شخص آشنا است یا غریبه .
2-جنس در وسایل خریداری شده ایشان در وسایل خریداری شده مشتری پنهان شده یا خیر گیت فروشگاهی آنرا به راحتی تشخیص می دهد .
3 – وقتی جنس از محدوده فروشگاه خارج شود گیت فروشگاهی آلارم می دهد ن زودتر در هنگام جابجایی و نه دیر تر هنگام اینکه کار از کار گذشته باشد .
4 – چک کردن کمتر و نظارت کمتر از طرف پرسنل می خواهد.
5 – گیت فروشگاهی یا دزدگیر پوشاک بسیار کم هزینه تر و کاربردی تر از دیگر محصولات حفاظتی می باشد.

.به زودی مطلبی درباره ی انواع گیت فروشگاهی در این ساتی منتشر می کنیم و همه ی انواع گیت فروشگاهی را توضیح خواهیم داد.

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Sights seeing of Kish island

Sights seeing of Kish island

13 tourist attractions of Kish Island that are interesting


Kish Island is one of the most important and attractive tourist destinations in Iran, which has many places of interest due to its small area. If you are planning to travel to Kish, it is so excellent plan to visit Kish tourist attractions before starting the trip. In this article, we want to introduce 13 tourist attractions of Kish to you.

The beauties and tourist attractions of Kish have made this island the title of the pearl of the Persian Gulf. In this article, which is a model of travel guide to Kish, we will introduce you to the sights of Kish.

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1.Water entertainment

If you are interested in water sports, in Kish you can access a variety of options, from parasailing and diving to surfing and jet skiing. Services related to these activities are provided to tourists by local hospitable youth.

But if you are not interested in such thrills, at least do not deprive yourself of the pleasure of boating with glass floor boats and watching the colorful underwater world!

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2.cycling line

Kish cycling route is one of the longest and most scenic cycling routes in our country. Throughout this 75 km route, no car will be in front of your way and you can safely brake wherever you want and take pictures of the azure waters of the Persian Gulf.

You do not need to have a bike yourself! You can easily rent a bicycle from special stations located in different parts of the island. There are also tricycles, double bikes and scooters for rent that you can rent hourly or daily.

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3.Greek ship

In 1345, the ship “Khola F” sank off the southwest coast of Kish. The ship was built in Britain and had several owners during its lifetime, but its last owner was a Greek. Many attempts were made to save the ship, but none of them succeeded, and the ship was eventually abandoned.

Greek ship is one of the most beautiful places in Kish. This huge ship, especially at sunset, has a photographer-friendly view and is one of the sights of Kish, and many tourists come to see this part of the island to see it.

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Undoubtedly, one of the most important attractions of any island is its beaches. Kish Island is no exception to this rule. Kish coral beach is located in the eastern part of the island and is one of the most beautiful and popular attractions.

In the coastal strip, you can see pavilions and palm trees lined up in the scenic landscape. Watching the sunset from here is an unforgettable experience! The beach is also equipped with water sports clubs and you can book in advance for your favorite activities.

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5.Kariz underground city

The ancient Iranians dug aqueduct water to deal with the crisis. An aqueduct is a vertical well that is drilled on a sloping surface. Kariz One of the sights of Kish is an example of an old aqueduct that is 2500 years old. You can walk in these underground tunnels and see how the aqueduct system works.

The length of these tunnels is more than 8 km, so when you walk here, it is as if you are in an underground city. In this ancient structure, handicraft stalls and a traditional teahouse have been set up to attract tourists.

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6.The ancient city of Harira

Harireh history back to the eighth century and it is said that this place is also mentioned in Saadi Golestan. The ancient city of Harirah, one of the sights of Kish, is located in the northern part of the island and has signs of ancient architecture in the corners. From the ruins that remain, it is clear that this was once a thriving area.

Archaeologists have estimated that the city of Harirah was formed about a thousand years ago and abandoned about 600 years later, based on excavations and clues.

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7.Twin reservoir

When you see Kish reservoirs for the first time, it will undoubtedly revive the common architecture in Yazd. This reservoir with interesting architecture has two domes and five windbreaks around them, which are responsible for the entry and exit of air and cooling the water inside the reservoir.

In reservoirs, wind deflectors have been used to create natural ventilation and keep water close to freezing temperatures. Windbreaks, as you probably know, are part of the ancient architecture of Iran.

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8.Sea turtles

Eagle-nosed turtles come to the protected areas of the southern and western coasts of the coral island of Kish between March and August to lay their eggs. If you come to this part of the island at this time of year, you can see turtles swimming to the shore from a distance and making holes for laying eggs.

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9.Green Tree

The Green Tree Complex is located in the northern part of the island in an area known as the Portuguese Valley. This complex is built around one of the oldest trees on the island called the Lor Tree or Fig Temple. This famous tree seems to be about 600 years old.

Many believe that the tree is auspicious, they come here to defecate and are involved in its thick and tangled branches. The other parts of the complex also consist of green space and are a good place to rest and relax.

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10.Dolphin Park

This 170-hectare recreational complex including a pool of dolphins, sea lions and whales is one of the tourist attractions of Kish, which can definitely be an exciting experience to see. But all the charms of this complex do not end only with sea creatures, and charming gardens such as bird gardens, butterfly gardens, orchid and cactus gardens are also waiting for you to watch and enjoy Kish.

Bird Garden This complex contains more than 47 species of birds and other animals. In short, Kish Dolphin Park can be a suitable recreational option for all ages

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11.Hindurabi Island

Hindurabi Island is one of the functions of Kish Island, which is among its top attractions. This island with an area of about 23 square kilometers has a good position both historically and naturally. Hindurabi is about 28 km from Kish, but rest assured it is worth the time. Very few people live in this place who live in a village called Hendrabi and live by fishing.

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12.Mir Mahna Beach Park

Mir Mahna Beach Park is located on the north and northwest coast of the island and hosts many tourists every day who choose this place to spend their leisure time with friends and family.

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13.Kish recreational pier

Kish recreational pier with a length of 437 meters and a width of 18 meters has been constructed with a wooden structure and, as its name suggests, is dedicated to recreation and entertainment. Bowling clubs, 4D cinemas, water sports clubs, cafes, restaurants and leisure centers are proof of this claim.

This pier often attracts young people. Sea watching, sunset, sea turtles and dolphins, seabirds, and especially fishing are some of the fun activities you can do.

How to travel to Kish?

Many travelers to Kish Island prefer air travel. Traveling to Kish by plane is the easiest and probably the most accessible way for tourists. Travel to Kish by buying a plane ticket to Kish.

However, land travel to Kish also has its advantages; From any side of Iran, if we want to move to the south and to the beautiful island of the Persian Gulf, there is undoubtedly a spectacular route waiting for us. It is this path and this adventure that encourages many to be on the road for hours instead of going to Kish for an hour or two.

Source: zoomlife


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