گیت فروشگاهی و تاریخچه ساخت آن

گیت قروشگاهی و ضد سرقت

گیت فروشگاهی و تاریخچه ساخت آن

گیت قروشگاهی و ضد سرقت

به طور کلی می توان گفت گیت فروشگاهی ، گیتی است تشکیل از یک یا دو آنتن ساخته شده از آلومینیوم ، پلیمر،چوب ، شیشه و....... که در درب خروجی فروشگاه بر روی زمین نصب می شود که در صورت خروج تگ یا لیبل و ...... هشدار می دهد که به فروشنده و صاحب مغازه هشدار می دهد که اتفاقی افتاده است یا تگ جدا نشده ویا لیبل خنثی نشده یا سرقتی در حال وقوع می باشد .این را می توان توضیح کوتاهی در مورد گیت فروشگاهی یا دزدگیر فروشگاهی دانست
حدود 10 الی 15 سال پیش که فروشگاهای کوچک در حال حذف بودند و یا کم تاثیر شدن در اقتصاد ، فروشگاه های برند و زنجیره ای و یا هایپرمارکت ها بسیار سریع در حال رشد بودند که فروشگه های زنجیره ای یا هایپرمارکت ها دارای چرخش مالی بسیار بالا و عجیبی بودند ولی هم زمان با سود و فروش با چالش های بسیاری با خود داشتن یکی از مهم ترین آنها سرقت از آنها بود (که شامل پرسنل و مشتریان آنها بود) که در مدت کوتاهی باعث کاهش شدید سود آنها شد ولی کارشناسان ، مدیران و برنامه ریزان فروشگاه های بزرگ از قبیل پوشاک و مواد غذایی به فکر راه حل جلوگیری از سرقت و یا کاهش دادن سرقت ها بودن که می توان گفت یکی از اولین راه کارهای آنها دوربین مدار بسته بود دوربین کمی از سرقت های آنها کاهش داد ولی نتوانست مانعی بزرگ در برابر آن باشد .
در همین راستا تحقیقات باز هم ادامه یافت که به محصول کاربردی دیگری برسند آزمایشات و شکست های زیادی اتفاق افتاد تا نسل اول گیت های فروشگاهی ودزدگیر فروشگاهی به وجود امد و کاربردی شد که در اول هم بسیار مورد توجه قرار گرفت زیرا:
1-برای گیت فروشگاهی مهم نیست این شخص آشنا است یا غریبه .
2-جنس در وسایل خریداری شده ایشان در وسایل خریداری شده مشتری پنهان شده یا خیر گیت فروشگاهی آنرا به راحتی تشخیص می دهد .
3 – وقتی جنس از محدوده فروشگاه خارج شود گیت فروشگاهی آلارم می دهد ن زودتر در هنگام جابجایی و نه دیر تر هنگام اینکه کار از کار گذشته باشد .
4 – چک کردن کمتر و نظارت کمتر از طرف پرسنل می خواهد.
5 – گیت فروشگاهی یا دزدگیر پوشاک بسیار کم هزینه تر و کاربردی تر از دیگر محصولات حفاظتی می باشد.

.به زودی مطلبی درباره ی انواع گیت فروشگاهی در این ساتی منتشر می کنیم و همه ی انواع گیت فروشگاهی را توضیح خواهیم داد.

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how rent a car in iran

You can imagine don’t have a car, and you have lost the power of buying a car due to expensive cars prices. Or, in light of the troubles of cost of repairing cars, and especially the more expensive parts (both local and imported cars), it’s possible to rent a car both in cities and outside of cities for short trips and Long trips. Of course, other reasons can be the cause of this decision, which is apparently not too small. In summary, do not forget that car hire and rental are not only for ceremonial events such as weddings. But above all, you need to answer the important questions.

It it really economical to rent a car?

In general, the answer to this question is to know the financial situation, preferences and the choice of your car. As a result, we will only share the questions and conditions with you and give ourselves answer. The first point is that after the inquiry we arrive at a general conclusion: the car rental price in rentalcariran.com is cheaper and more convenient than other ways to rent a car. The second thing you might also be aware of: The increase in the number of days and car rental for a longer period can greatly reduce the price.

We need to add to the price, cars itself features, the amount of cleanliness and its model (year of production) influenced by the final price, with just a few examples, we will only consider it in its entirety. In the city market, the average cost of pride rent is ten dollars a day. After that, the cars of our country such as Samand and Peugeot family, etc., will cost an average of fifteen dollars a day. (The price difference between the domestic cars of our country, such as the Peugeot family, Samand, etc., is insignificant) We do not enter the range of luxury cars because prices are very different. Hyundai Sonata will cost thirty dollars per day to Porsche Panamericai, which will cost you more than one hundered USD for a one-day trip with it.


In assessing the value of this option, be sure that you pay only the total amount in terms of the duration of the lease. Exhaustion and depreciation, cost of replacing consumer goods, insurance costs, car services, car price drop over time, and so on. All and all of the most important things that you do not include and you shouldn’t pay for these. As a result, car rental has advantages that are inevitable. However, the culture of using it and its prevalence in our country still has a lot to do.


How to find companies?

Now the best way is the internet and the newspaper. In the cities the number of car rental companies is very low. In such circumstances, we recommend that you verify the credibility of any firm you choose. Just contact the rentalcariran.com and ask for the credit of the firm you are looking for.


Paperwork and necessary documents?

Before remaining evidence, it is evident that your certificate and your identification card must be with you. The conditions are different in some firms. But with the research done, most of them have to sign a few checks. The first one for renting a car. The second one is a guarantee of no fines, which is about two weeks after the delivery of the car to the firm. The third check is for a guarantee, which, as its name implies, is a Czech minimum and sometimes more than the amount of money you rent it.


Some important points

After choosing a car, a fare is made legally in the firm and in a bilateral agreement with the car owner. But in the contract, it is important to read the exact word-by-word, and sign it if you agree with all of its parts.


Notice that your car hire contractor is surely the person who owns the car card in his name. Also pay attention to the timing of third party insurance and technical examination and tolls of the municipality.

Sometimes the cost of the body insurance is in the contract that adds to your costs. As a result, the price will be different after the contract is concluded. (Although we recommend that you use insurance for travel in particular, so that you can rest easy).

Be sure to get the car on a bachelor’s degree. Show it to a body technician and technician to not be in trouble later. It has been seen many times that after the delivery to the firm, consumers have witnessed claims of scratch, etc., from the car owner. Check out the car before renting.

In some contracts, it refers to the vehicle’s range of contracts in the city or road. Note that the signature of contract means a commitment to. (Usually these cars have a satellite tracker!)

And finally, the last point is to calculate the cost of the rental period. Note that if you rent for 10 days, for example, if you return a 9 day car, you will still have to pay 10 days. The more important part is the situation. Because the late payment is usually higher than the rental rate, it is more a fine than a fee.

In short, in plain language, raise your precision so that no excuse is created to make you trouble.


What should pay cost in case of car damage?

If the car crashes as a result of your negligence, such as accident, damage, etc., it is your own responsibility, but if the car’s problem is due to depreciation, a failure of a particular part and such conditions, you will not be charged. . If there is a dispute between the owner and you, it will be difficult to contact the car dealership. Otherwise, the original dispute resolution authority, according to any contract, is the court.

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